
We have a 7-day return policy, which means you have 1-2 days after receiving your item to request a return and 5 days to return the items along with a copy of the order confirmation email received at the time of purchase.

To be eligible for a return, the following instructions must be fully adhered to.

  • Please thoroughly check all items upon receipt of delivery before removing any attached tags and disposing of any original.
  • All items must be returned unworn, unwashed, undamaged, unused and displaying any additional Returns Tags to receive a full refund.
  • We can only collect returns from within the same location to which your order was originally delivered.
  • Where possible, any designer packaging such as authenticity cards, dust bags and leather tags must also be returned as they are considered part of the product.
  • Footwear and accessories must be returned unmarked and unscuffed in the original undamaged boxes provided and inside a protective shipping box.
  • We recommend that you return items in their original packaging to ensure their necessary protection when in transit.

We reserve the right not to accept any return if the product shows signs of wear or has been used or altered from its original condition in any way or, as an alternative.

You are eligible for a cash refund only if we sent you a wrong size or wrong product, and the refund will be processed upon return of your order. For returns which were initiated due to reasons other than
wrong size or wrong product, a luxury voucher card equivalent to the cost of the returned item will be issued to you.

Please note that sale items are not eligible for any refunds or store credits.

Due to hygiene reasons, we do not accept returns of underwear or swimwear.


We will notify you once we’ve received and inspected your return, and let you know the status of your refund. It can take up to 10 working days for your refund to be processed and deposited back into your
account via the original payment method (excluding the cost of delivery). Please note, that processing time will vary depending on your bank or payment provider.


Shipping and handling fees of the original purchase are not eligible for a refund. You are responsible for shipping charges when making returns. The items you wish to return are your responsibility until we receive them.

How to Return?

To return an item, kindly send us an email to this email address –[email protected] or contact us at +2349135594295

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